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Monday, October 31, 2011

G7 Tech Class # 24

Please keep practicing your Touch Typing Exercises during the first part of the class.

Today you need to start working on Plan. Follow the G7 Project 2 Due dates to stay on task. Plan is due today. Organize your group assigning roles and tasks, so you can turn your assignment in on time.

When working on Plan stage, remember to:

  • make a detailed step by step list of tasks/instructions on how will you become an Expert Touch Typer  (think as if someone else will need to learn how to type using your set of instructions)
  • show a timeline of the tasks, activities and resources that will guide you, or others, to become the Expert Touch Typer during Create. Use the Gantt and CPM (Critical Path Method usually used together with PERT) concepts we talked about in class and during last project: simultaneously, overlapping, sequencial.
  • Include evidence of planning for materials and resources usage (what will you use? when? how?)

Don't forget to make your Process Journal entry and follow the steps to submit your assignments as posted in the MYP Technology Website.

Happy Halloween G7 Students!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

G7 Tech Class #23

As usual for this Project 2, we will continue to practice touch typing exercises for the first part of the class. Please get your book and move forward from where you left last class. Remember to work locally on a word processor so we do not clog the Internet bandwidth unnecessarily.

Last class Design stage was due. As we had a modified half day schedule, you can finish working on it today. If you haven't turned it in, please do so today and visit last class' blog post for reviewing what is expected for Design stage.
I have updated the Due dates for G7's Project 2. Please visit this webpage to stay on task. 

Don't forget to enter your progress in you Process Journal.

The video below displays how you worked in class for Project 1. You can visit my YouTube Channel to watch other students' work as well.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

G7 Tech Class #22

We will continue to practice touch typing exercises for the first part of the class. Please get your book and move forward from where you left last class. Remember to work locally on a word processor so we do not clog the Internet bandwidth unnecessarily.

Today Design stage is due. Please visit last class' blog post for reviewing what is expected for Design stage.

Don't forget to enter your progress in you Process Journal.

Design is Due today.

B Day October 26 please see half day schedule below:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

G7 Tech Class #21

First part of the class we will keep working on the Touch Typing exercises moving forward following the TextBook guidelines (starting at page #4 or from where you left last class). Work locally on a word processor (Word, Pages, text Edit, etc) practicing the different rows and letters in the keyboard.

Today you will start working on Design.

    • Test a variety of different touch typing applications and see which one better suits your learning style.
    • Explain the differences between all options you choose
    • For explaining the touch typing tutors you are using, please use different techniques like story boards, sketches, labelled diagrams with explanations, etc.
    • Evaluate each touch typing application critically against the design specifications (assess what design specs each one meets or not)

  • Design your own pangram
  • Choose one typing tutor to practice and achieve the goal: 40 wpm
  • Justify your choice of design and tool/app that you will be using
  • Design will be due next class. Look at Due Dates for Project 2 and plan accordingly.

  • Don't forget to make your 
    Process Journal entry of the day!

    Tuesday, October 18, 2011

    G7 Tech Class # 20

    Welcome to class #20!!

    We will use part of our class to complete a Learning Styles Self Assessment Survey.Please login as a student in the WA website to access the instructions and codes needed for G7.

    First part of the class we will keep working on the Touch Typing exercises moving forward following the TextBook guidelines (starting at page #4). Work locally on a word processor (Word, Pages, text Edit, etc) practicing the different rows and letters in the keyboard.

    Second part of the class: you need to finish and submit your Investigation stage, as it is due today (make sure you follow the Steps to submit your assignments posted in the MYP Technology website.)

    For more info and details for this stage please visit previous classes' posts: G7 Tech Class # 17 and G7 Tech Class # 16 and you can use the Project 2 Investigation Shared Docs as guides.

    Don't forget to make your Process Journal entry of the day! Visit the G7 Due Dates webpage to plan for the rest of the Project 2.

    Friday, October 14, 2011

    G7 Tech Class #19

    Please work on practicing your Touch Typing exercises and move forward on Investigation today. I will be back before class is over.

    Visit G7 Tech Class # 17 and G7 Tech Class # 16 for reviewing info on Project 2.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    G7 Tech Class # 17 & #18

    No Tech class today as G7 students are camping at Camp Eagle.
    Have fun!

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    G7 Tech Class #16

    Today we will begin with Project 2: Touch & Type

    We will work on learning how to become expert Touch Typers!

    Let's start thinking about the following for our Project 2.  The dynamic of the project would be the following:
    Remember to complete all parts of Investigation:
    • State the problem
    • Design Brief
    • Relate to AOIs, yourselves, society
    • Pose the guiding questions
    • Research to answer the guiding questions you came up with (use a variety of different sources! Books, magazines, articles, web, etc... not only www ;-)
    • Develop the Design Specifications (Essential and Desirable)
    • Cite your sources (Biblio in MLA format)
    • How will you test yourselves to make sure you are achieving the goal?
    • Don't forget about the Assignment Standards!! (header, footer, and more)
    Before you leave you need to make your Processs Journal entry of the day!

    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    G7 Tech Class #15

    Today, following our G7 Due Dates webpage we are going to be working on Evaluate stage.

    At the end of Project 1, you should be able to:

    Evaluate the product you created: Tower
    • carry out tests to see if the tower met the design specifications
    • reflect on the success (and/or failure) of the tower in an objective manner based on testing
    • reflect on the impact of building the tower on individuals and on society
    • explain how the tower could be improved.

    Evaluate your use of the design cycle: 
    • reflect on your performance at each stage of the design cycle (reflect about strengths and weaknesses/areas of improvements of each stage)
    • compare your planned timeline with the actual use of time
    • explain the changes you made (if any) 
    • identify the parts that you found difficult and suggest ways in which your work during Project 1 could be improved. 

    To submit your Evaluate stage today, please make sure you follow the Steps to submit your assignments posted in the MYP Technology website.
    You can always use the Design Folder Checklist to make sure your Evaluate stage is complete.