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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

G7 Tech Class #37

Today is our last Technology class!!!!

Please review last class' blog post to turn in everything needed as well as present what your presentation developed in Slide Rocket ! :-) Remember everything it needs to include!

Friday, December 9, 2011

G7 Tech Class #36

Following our Due Dates for G7 - Project 3  Presentation is due today.

You will need to Present your Logo shapes and how you have achieved / created them
Prepare your presentation using Slide Rocket to participate in the SlideRocket Competition for the $250 price! (ONLY FOR G7 A4) . All other classes you can prepare your presentation with the Web 2.0 tool of your choice.
Be prepared to explain and show your LOGO shapes:
  • your 3 shapes following the Design Specifications:
      • forward
      • backwards
      • rotation (right & left)
      • use 3 different colours
      • Pen Up / Pen Down 
      • Repeat Command
      • Procedure
  • talk about the process of creation
  • issues you had to overcome
  • timeline/time management
  • group work
  • strengths / weaknesses / areas of improvement

The presentation needs to include:
  • Evaluate stage content
    • reflect on performance in each stage of the design cycle
    • strengths and weaknesses of each stage
    • compare your predicted time with the actual time
    • any changes? explain why?
    • impact of the product on you, others, environment, etc
  • Multimedia elements
    • sound
    • animation
    • video (if applicable)
    • motion
    • images
    • fonts: colors, boldface, italics
    • alignment: centered, right or left aligned
    • bullets/numbering
    • etc

Today's Google screen:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

G7 Tech Class # 35

Following our Due Dates for G7 - Project 3 we will start working on Create stage.

You will need to work on creating your final product by coding it in LOGO programming language.
Make sure it meets all the Essential Design Specifications and it can also meet the Desirable ones.

You can use the Design Folder Checklist  to make sure all elements of the Create stage are present:

  •  having a very visually detailed Process Journal including many and varied visual evidence of the process of creation of your product (image + LOGO code).
  • talk about your time management and how you followed (or not) your original Plan.
  • Did you need to make any changes to your chosen LOGO Design?
Create stage is due today.

Next class you will have the LOGO test.

Monday, December 5, 2011

G7 Tech Class #34

Today we will be working on Plan stage and we are going to have a Guest Speaker: Nathan's dad :-) (G7 A-4 only)

Plan what questions you would like to ask him about Programming and have them ready for when he allows some time for Q&A after his presentation. (G7 A-4 only)

Plan stage:

Write down all the different things that appear in your chosen Design. Eg: you might have a scene with a car moving towards a house – the things in the scene that should be drawn are a house and a car.

The step by step plan: write down the order that you will make all the objects that you included in your plan. The write down the things/instructions that make these objects in you plan.
Then you can add the motion if needed: which objects are you going to make move first? What direction are they going to move? How are they going to move (in a straight line, curve, etc), write down how you will make the objects move the way you want them to.

Now using the list of objects and parts of objects, write down the order in which you are going to make all things that are shown in your plan happen. Predict how long it will take you to make each thing and display them in a Timeline.

Make a list of the resources and materials you will be using.

Don't forget to include the Assignment Standards!! (header, footer, and more) and to make your Process Journal entry of the day!

Check the Due Dates for Project 3Plan is due today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

G7 Tech Class #33

As you know the Second step in the Design Cycle is the Design Stage.

At this point you should have a well thought out Problem statement and a clear set of points under Design Specification that you stated in your Investigation stage.

Think of different ways that you could approach the problem, you need at least three. These should be different approaches to the problem not just changes in colour or arrangement. The idea is to explore different solutions.

For each different solution:
  •  present a visual representation, this could be a single picture or a storyboard depending on what you are trying to show. 
  • a description of what will happen and/or what the user will be able to do with the program. 
  • The designs should be complete enough to clearly show the differences between them.

Remember that each design is then critically evaluated using the Design Specifications; make sure to point out the shortfalls in the programs. It is expected that you find some problems with your designs, which could then be improved.

Choose one design that best represents the solution you have decided to use (meets most Design Specifications) and justify your choice. 

You can use this G7 Project 3: Design Stage Draft, as your starting point.

Don't forget to include the Assignment Standards!! (header, footer, and more) and to make your Process Journal entry of the day!

Check the Due Dates for Project 3: Design is due today.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

G7 Tech Class #32

Today we will continue working on your Investigation stage for Project 3: Logo-gic

Due Dates for Project 3 are posted! Investigation is due today.

Before you leave you need to make your Process Journal entry of the day!

November 30th: Mark Twain's 176th birthday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

G7 Tech Class #31

Welcome Back!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving break! 

Today we will continue working on Investigation stage for Project 3: Logo-gic

 You can use this shared doc as your starting point:

A couple suggested links to visit are:

Visit last class' blog entry to review all parts of Investigation stage.

Don't forget about the Assignment Standards!! (header, footer, and more)

Before you leave you need to make your Processs Journal entry of the day!

Look at Google's  logo (Nov 18) celebrating Louis Daguerre's 224th birthday!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

G7 Tech Class #30

Today we will continue with Project 3: Logo-gic

Let's think about the following for our Project 3.  The dynamic of the project would be the following:
  • Regroup for this project with someone who you haven't work with neither in Project 1 nor Project 2.
  • Look at the suggested introductory questions in last class' blog post regarding Logo.
  • Star working on your Investigation. You can use this shared doc as your starting point to work collaboratively as a class: 
  • Project 3 Investigation for G7
Remember to complete all parts of Investigation:
  • State the problem
  • Design Brief
  • Relate to AOIs, yourselves, society
  • Pose the guiding questions
  • Research to answer the guiding questions you came up with (use a variety of different sources! Books, magazines, articles, web, etc... not only www ;-)
  • Develop the Design Specifications (Essential and Desirable)
  • Cite your sources (Biblio in MLA format)
  • How will you test yourselves to make sure you are achieving the goal?
  • Don't forget about the Assignment Standards!! (header, footer, and more)
Before you leave you need to make your Processs Journal entry of the day!

Monday, November 14, 2011

G7 Tech Class #29

First part of the class we will begin working on Evaluate stage. 

Please visit the Design Folder Checklist to make sure your 
Evaluate stage is complete:
  • use Assignment Standards
  • include user/testers feedback
  • evaluate your performance in each stage reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of each stage.
  • compare your predicted time plan with the actual one
  • Did you have to make any changesExplain why
  • reflect on the impact of learning Touch Typing on:
            • yourself
            • others/society
            • environment

Once you finish, please follow the steps to submit assignments posted in the MYP Tech Website.

Second part of the class we will begin with Project 3: Logo-gic!!

Today we will start investigating the basic concepts of this specific programming language: Logo. But let's start at the beginning and think about: 
  1. how do we give (step by step) instructions? 
  2. what is programming? 
  3. what is a programming language?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

G7 Tech Class #28

Today we go by Monday schedule: 
1st Period: 8.20am - 9:40am 
2nd Period: 9.45am - 11.05am

At 11.11am today remember to  reflect honoring Veteran's Day today.

Please keep practicing your Touch Typing Exercises during the first part of the class.

I will be working with you all in small groups testing your touch typing expertise levels! Visit last class' blog post to review the Criteria/Rubric for the Typing Test.

After practicing please work on preparing your group presentations so you can all present.

Presentation Prep day!

Each group will have 5 minutes to explain to the audience:
  • talk about how you have achieved the objective: Become an expert touch typer.
  • how did you efficiently learnt to type 40 wpm
  • why did you choose a specific typing learning method/tool?
  • talk about the process of learning
  • issues you had to overcome
  • What design specifications did you meet? Essential? Desirable?
  • reflect on timeline/time management
  • Group work/collaboration

Second part of the class we will begin working 
on Evaluate stage. 

Please visit the Design Folder Checklist to make sure your 
Evaluate stage is complete.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

G7 Tech Class #27

Please keep practicing your Touch Typing Exercises during the first part of the class.

I will be working with you all in small groups testing your touch typing expertise levels! The Rubric is as follows:

Typing Test 2

Criteria: Technology Criteria A, B, C, D, E & Touch Typing (see below)

Finger position:

You will have some time to fine tune details and retouches before we start with the presentations.

Presentation day!

Each group will have 5 minutes to explain to the audience:
  • talk about how you have achieved the objective: Become an expert touch typer.
  • how did you efficiently learnt to type 40 wpm
  • why did you choose a specific typing learning method/tool?
  • talk about the process of learning
  • issues you had to overcome
  • What design specifications did you meet? Essential? Desirable?
  • reflect on timeline/time management
  • Group work/collaboration

Friday, November 4, 2011

G7 Tech Class #26

Today we will continue working on Create stage.

Please visit G7 Tech Class #25 for reviewing the expectations for Create stage.

I will be working with you all in small groups testing your touch typing expertise levels!

Following the Due Dates for Project 2 Create stage is due today.

Please make sure you are including the Assignment Standards and turn in your work by following the steps to submit and assignments.

Have you tried going to Google (Chrome only) and search for "do a barrel roll"? Thought you may like it ;-)